Wilson Tech Student Policies and General Informational Guidelines enrolled in the career and technical learning process



Attendance matters! It plays an essential role in the grades you earn, the Certificate you receive, National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), Work-Study, Scholarships, Technical Endorsement and other benefits. Check with your Wilson Tech Student counselor regarding our attendance policies which may differ from your home school.


Lifetime Job Placement:
If you have attended Wilson Tech--either as a high school student or as an adult--you have lifetime access to Tech's job placement services. We maintain a large database with career opportunities at many local firms. Our experienced counselors will also help you craft your resume and give you interview tips.

Search Tech's Job Bank

Student Parking Permit:
Wilson Tech Student with a senior Class D drivers license whose district allows driving to Tech will be eligible to receive a Student Parking Pass Application. When an application has been completed, including appropriate signatures from the district, parent/guardian and Tech, a student will be eligible to receive a parking pass from Wilson Tech. Under no circumstances may students drive to or from Tech with another student.

Parking permit applications may be obtained from the Main Office.


Important Dates To Remember
2011 - 2012 Events

First Day of Classes

September 7


Open House - All Campuses

September 20

Tuesday (day & evening)
9-10:30am, 12:30-2pm, 7-8:30pm

Fall Technical Advisory Committees' Meetings

October 18

Tuesday (3-5pm)

SkillsUSA/FFA Induction

October 25

Tuesday (6:30pm)

Skills/USA Leadership Conference

November 6-8

Sunday through Tuesday

Education EXPO

November 17


Holiday Board Dinner

December 1


Guidance Advisory Holiday Brunch

December 7


Winter Recess

Dec 26 - January 2

Monday through Monday


Visitor Days - 1st Session (AM)

Jan 31-Feb 2


Mid-Winter Recess

February 20-24

Monday through Friday

Visitor Days - 2nd Session (AM)

Feb 28-March 1


SkillsUSA Area VI Regionals, Farmingdale State

March 9


PTA Night

March 20

Tuesday (7:00pm)

Visitor Make-Up Day (AM)

March 22


Smaller Class Size Open House-Manor Plains

April 19

Thursday (7:00pm)

SkillsUSA NYS Competition, Syracuse

April 25-27

Wednesday through Friday

Easter/Passover Recess

April 6-13

Friday through Friday

2012-13 Applications Due

April 27


NYS FFA Convention, VVS School, Vernon, NY

May 2-4

Wednesday through Friday

National Technical Honor Society Induction

May 9

Wednesday (7:00pm) Elwood

Spring Technical Advisory Committee Working Dinner

May 15

Tuesday (6:00-8:00pm)

Open House

May 22

Tuesday (7-8:30pm)

Student Awards Recognition

May 31

Thursday (6:30-8:00pm)

Related Final Exams

May 29-June 4

Tuesday through Monday

Tech Written Final Exams

June 5-7

Tuesday through Thursday

Conflict Resolution/Make-up Exams

June 8


Last Day of Tech

June 15


Regents Exams

June 13-22

Wednesday through Friday

SkillsUSA Nationals, Kansas City

June 23-28

Saturday through Thursday

Wilson Tech Recognition Ceremonies

June 18

Monday WT/NPT/MP/Republic-HHHE (7:30)

Wilson Tech Recognition Ceremony June 19 Tuesday WT/DH-HHHE (7:30)



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